Ron Bueker

Portfolio Showcase:  New Media Design & Development

[email protected]


<pn# 090501-rev3>
<author:  ron bueker>
<sub:  multimedia>
<title:  interactive multimedia design & development>




Directed a three member team in the design & development of large-scale, interactive Flash marketing programs for cross-platform, cd-rom/floppy delivery to the real estate, insurance and direct marketing industries, delivering 34 programs over a two year period.

[jpeg of Eventus' main menu] [jpeg of an Eventus section menu]
[jpeg of an Eventus interactive chart] [jpeg of an Eventus section screen]


128 screens organized into 7 sections and 17 subsections. At the time, Flash's ActionScript did not include "if/then" programming, but conditionals were needed; so, I custom built the necessary code, resulting in dynamic, intelligent submenus and help text that fluidly appears and disappears as needed.

[jpeg of ERA's map screen] [jpeg of ERA's main menu]
[jpeg of an ERA section intro] [jpeg of an ERA section screen]


81 screens organized into 9 sections and 16 subsections. Subsections can be opened from multiple locations. Rather than build these subsections multiple times, I created each as an independent object that could then be placed as many times as needed, resulting in a savings in development time, and a big savings in update time.

[jpeg of PPL & Fran Tarkenton's main menu] [jpeg of PPL & Fran Tarkenton's welcome screen]
[jpeg of a PPL & Fran Tarkenton section menu] [jpeg of a PPL & Fran Tarkenton section screen]


73 screens organized into 7 sections and 11 subsections. Created for Pre-Paid Legal Services and Fran Tarkenton's The soundtrack was composed in GrooveMaker. The sound effects were then extracted from the soundtrack, providing a more unified user experience. Fran was pleased, and I got an autographed football!



[gif of targeted html code]
[email protected]